
Reflection on the winter term

At the beginning of this term, we took test for know self vocabulary amount and average of our section. Through winter term RCA, we make e-portfolio as a blog and mainly we learned about "Ethics" and "vision of the future" in this term. For "Ethics", we read article by Wennberg and read article by Ogata and Cels for "vision of the future". "Euthanasia"  which is a one of topic of "Ethics" is the main topic of Wennberg and we wrote position analysis on the article. While winter holiday, I also watched movie about “euthanasia” which is called “Million Dollar Baby”. After finished Wennberg, we learned “Human Security” by Ogata and Cels. We had presentation on article and I presented area of “improve the health and health service” and recommendation 7th and 8th. Through reading, we made three questions for each class for comprehension and share it in group discussion. In addition, we did more vocabulary work for example marked vocabulary from SGW and we used at least three of them in some writing assignment. Professor Testuya taught us there are two kinds of vocabulary which are vocabulary for “using” and for “listening”. We remembered vocabulary from each article for CWT and also we took CWT for each article.


Assignment #2 Reflection on Presentation

Reading Process
For understand the text deeper, I used some reading skills which are summarizing, annotations, and research background knowledge. Firstly, I summarized the text in Japanese first and then summarized it in English with my group member. This text was quite difficult for us therefore confirm the content in first language was important process. For annotation, I focused on the topic sentence and  conjunctions, for example “but also”, “in addition”, “because”, and so on. Topic sentences give the main idea for the content very clearly. First I comprehended the main idea from topic sentence and then start to understand the content in detail. When I met the impasse of reading comprehension because of difficult sentence, I will focused on conjunctions. In addition there were several proper words. Therefor I researched background knowledge. In addition to background knowledge, I thought some examples. Our group “recommendations” were 7th and 8th and Ogata and Cels insist the national primary health disease surveillance systems in 7th recommendation. I search for current example. The dengue disease is the one of example. Mass outbreak of dengue disease in Japan, government gave exact number of patients. This shows, in Japan, national primary health and disease surveillance systems works efficiently. This example help my understand of the text recommendation. Above reading skills made my understanding deeper and I realized the most effective way to understand content is teaching each other with group members. (234)

Presentation Preparation Process
In my part of presentation, important words are “intellectual property right” and “generic drugs” and those word need explanation in order to promote audience’s understanding and also we need to research the background information. I used a internet to get specific information on those words. In the fact, these words have relationship, so it is easy to get background knowledge of both.  I researched not only word explanation but also chart because visual aid is catalyst of audience’s understanding. I get those information from company website which is medical company called EMEC. In addition, I explained difficult sentence for audience. In fact, it was difficult even for me and also other my group members, therefore, finally we asked to professor Testuya and get it. Therefore, I tried to help audience understanding about that sentence and I explained its. But i noticed that it is hard to explain the sentence. I prepared the memo of what I am going to say, but my speaking was not fluently and few eye-contact. Those are my reflection points. In other hand, my success point is good chart and slide. I imitated the chart from company website but using chart probably helped audience a lot and also I colored the explaining sentence in order to help understanding.

Through presentation, the biggest our group’s reflection point is that not used a real world example for explain recommendations. Therefor, audience may be can not image the recommendation and it was hard to understand the contents. However, we used simple words and our presentation did not put unnecessary information or information that hard to understand. In addition, we did not practiced speaking and we depended on memos and lacked the eye-contact. Good point was that our group helped each members a lot and we did many preparations together. In such a meaning, I helped and pleased in my group. I am not good at conceiving the idea. Therefor, I contributed the comprehension of text. Next time I want to concern about what I reflect from RCA presentation and improve my ability.(343)


Study for last CWT

We had CWT on Ogata and Cels,  "Human Security - Protecting and Empowering the People". Here is my note taking and memory note.

Manuscript of RCA Presentation

We finished presentation about human security. Our area was "improve health and health service" and our presented recommendations were 7th and 8th recommendation. We divided three parts. First part presented Introduction, explain half of 8th recommendation, and conclusion. Second part presented 7th recommendation. Last part presented half of 8th recommendation. I was last part and here is my presentation manuscript.

In 8th recommendation, Ogata & Cell talk about intellectual property right hindering health security. In this section there are two important terms which are “intellectual property right” and “Generic drug”. Firstly, I will explain those terms.
First, what is “intellectual property right”?
Intellectual property rights are the rights given to creators.This right prevents other people from copying the inventor’s creations and usually creators can monopolize the creation for a certain period of time.
“Generic drug”
”Generic drug” is a drug that is not produce under the right of Intellectual property right. This is cheaper drugs. This drug is very cheap because usually drugs protected by intellectual property rights for several years so drugs are expensive. But after expire the intellectual property rights, other people can make same drugs and sell them and those drugs are called “generic drug”. The generic drugs use same component such as original drug but it cheaper than original drug.
“intellectual property rights” and “Generic drug” are keywords of 8th recommendation.

Next, I will explain difficult sentence in the text. Please open ELA reader page 6, line 28. It says “A balance must be crafted to provide incentives for research and development but also equitable access to life-saving drugs for those unable to purchase technologies in the global marketplace”. I will explain underline part. Firstly, “research and development” means “developing drugs or medical technology”. Secondary, “equitable access to life-saving drugs for those unable to purchase technologies in the global marketplace” means “provide the drugs or medical technologies to developing countries which can not buy drugs and medical technologies”. Ogata & Cell insist these balance is important.

Next presenter will explain this balance more in detail.


Presentation preparation #2

 Our group made presentation slides and separated parts. I am going to talk about 8th recommendation. We understand the content and each of us put the outline of presentation. Therefor, after today it will be personal work and finally we will have rehearsal on Monday first period.



Presentation preparation #1

Our group will give presentation about "improving health and health service" area and 6th and 7th recommendations.
This day we organized the outline and try to understand the content and research background information. Next time we will decide roles and think about examples.


•Conclusion      How to improve health and health service を伝えて締める。

7:基本的な健康維持は国家単位でないコミュニティや個各人に任されている。それに付け加えて国家がすべきことはdisease surveillance systemとnational primary healthだ。national primary health(例えば日本においては放射能)とは各国で最も優先的に考慮すべき国民の健康にかかわる問題に尽力すること。disease surveillance system(エボラ)とは、世界で問題となっている感染症などの自国での状況を把握すること。これが世界で共有されるのが大事。




※generic drugsとは、一般で発売されている薬の特許が切れたあとに同じ成分同じ効き目だが安価で作れる薬のこと。

10 February 2015 LLA

 Today's LLA we learned about "An Optimistic Future" from prof. Dan Ferreira.
Through the lecture, he explained us altruism. It has two definition, first is "The practice to unselfish concern for the welfare of others" and "Behavior by an animal that may be to its own disadvantage but that benefits others of its species." I think this idea is very important and I am glad to learned this idea.


3, Feb. 2015 LLA lecture

3, February, 2015
Today, stream 4 LLA class invited Matsui who is specialist of "Human Security" for guest speaker. The words remains in me, is "National Security does not necessary ensure the Human Security" because I consider about it by terrorism of ISIL. I feel doubt to government's correspondence.

 I will put my note.